Two Simple Options...

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Ready to take back control of your days and weeks, in and out of work?

Learn how to improve your productivity and feel more in control whilst having the energy to do all that you want to do outside of work.

Whether you're a leader in sales or operations, HR or finance, marketing or IT, this programme will enable you and your team to play at your best more consistently.


To feel more in control despite the complex and uncertain times we find ourselves in.
To be living your life on purpose, saying yes and no to the things that really matter.
To have a clear plan for the year ahead, factoring in your long term goals and major life events.
To be explicitly clear on your core values and use them to guide your decision making.
To master your state to increase your productivity and inspire those around you.
To be able to battle- proof your mindset, blocking out the energy vampires and time- suckers.

To learn a powerful, protocol for planning your days, weeks & quarters to get back on the front foot.

To be able to install new habits that lead to sustained, positive changes at work and at home.

What's included?

(The full course curriculum is described at the bottom of this page along with several Free Preview videos.)

  • 34 Videos

  • 18 Toolkits & Worksheets

  • 4 Hours of Video Coaching

Start building your blueprint for a brilliant year.

Sign up and get access to 34 videos, 18 toolkits and over 4 hours of video coaching.

Meet your coach...

Leadership Mentor, Performance Coach & Keynote Speaker Ben Morton

As a former Captain in the British Army, I’ve led people in life or death situations when the stakes are higher than ever. My army career led me on expeditions around the globe, but I later took on corporate roles in HR and Operations at some of the UK largest organisations. I’ve spent over 20 years helping Soldiers, CEOs, Business Owners and leaders at every level be the best version of themselves. From the battlefield to the boardroom, I understand the true essence of leadership and am dedicated to sharing what I know with you.

Don't leave your personal and professional development to hope or your organisation.

This is your year of personal growth!

You can hope that your company will invest in your development as you step into bigger roles, or you can invest in your own development so that your organisations sees you as someone capable of doing much more. This Personal Leadership Mastery Programme is designed to launch you forwards to the next level, and beyond.

For those who like the detail, here's exactly what's included.

You can view the FREE PREVIEW lessons by signing up with just your name and email; no payments details are needed until you're ready to invest in the full programme.

    1. A personal introduction

    2. A guide to the programme and online learning

    3. Personal Leadership Mastery and 'Corporate Whack Attack!'

    4. Locus of Control: Reference Model

    5. Audio Only - A Personal Introduction

    6. Audio Only - A guide to the programme and online learning

    1. Thriving in a VUCA World: Introduction

    2. The Four Truths of a VUCA World

    3. Thriving in a VUCA World: PDF Model

    4. Attention Residue

    5. Victim Speak

    6. Decision Fatigue

    7. Emotional Contagion

    8. Bandwidth Protection and The Four Leadership Moves

    9. Audio Only - Thriving in a VUCA World: Introduction

    10. Audio Only - The Four Truths of a VUCA World

    11. Audio Only - Attention Residue

    12. Audio Only - Victim Speak

    13. Audio Only - Decision Fatigue

    14. Audio Only - Emotional Contagion

    15. Audio Only - Bandwidth Protection and The Four Leadership Moves

    1. Your Future History and Holistic Life Plan

    2. The Holistic Life Plan: Worksheet

    3. The Vision Board

    4. The Main Efforts and Enabling Objectives

    5. Main Efforts and Enabling Objectives: Worksheet

    6. The Roadmap for Success

    7. Core Values Review

    8. Guiding Principles

    9. Recovery Periods: Bonus Video

    10. Road Map For Success - Annual Planning Sheets

    11. Audio Only - Your Future History and Holistic Life Plan

    12. Audio Only - The Vision Board

    13. Audio Only - The Main Efforts and Enabling Objectives

    14. Audio Only - The Roadmap for Success

    15. Audio Only - Core Values Review

    16. Audio Only - Guiding Principles

    17. Audio Only - Recovery Periods: Bonus Video

    1. The Quarterly Planning Cycle: Introduction

    2. The Quarterly Planning Cycle: Reflect and Review

    3. The Quarterly Planning Cycle: Forward Planning

    4. The Quarterly Planning Cycle: Bonus Video

    5. The 90 Day Planning Tool: Worksheet

    6. The 90 Day Plan: Template

    7. Quarterly Review Guide: PDF Checklist

    8. The Quarterly Planning Cycle: Introduction

    9. Audio Only - The Quarterly Planning Cycle: Reflect and Review

    10. Audio Only - The Quarterly Planning Cycle: Forward Planning

    11. Audio Only - The Quarterly Planning Cycle: Bonus Video

    1. Introduction

    2. The Weekly Planning Protocol: Part One

    3. The Weekly Planning Protocol: Part Two

    4. The Weekly Planning Protocol: Part Three

    5. Weekly Review: PDF Checklist and Template

    6. Printing Your Calendar: A Step-By-Step Guide

    7. Audio Only - The Weekly Planning Protocol: Part One

    8. Audio Only - The Weekly Planning Protocol: Part Two

    9. Audio Only - The Weekly Planning Protocol: Part Three

    1. The Daily Planning Protocol: Deconstruction

    2. The Daily Planning Protocol: Part One

    3. The Daily Planning Protocol: Part Two

    4. Audio Only - The Daily Planning Protocol: Part One

    5. Audio Only - The Daily Planning Protocol: Part Two

About this course

  • £49.99
  • 92 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content

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Choose between a single payment of £49.99 or three instalments.

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What people are saying about Personal Leadership Mastery:

5 star rating

This goes so much further than 'only' covering leadership!

Carola Becker

Being a leader does not only mean that you look after your teams, your organisation, and your shareholders. Your responsibility is also to look after yoursel...

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Being a leader does not only mean that you look after your teams, your organisation, and your shareholders. Your responsibility is also to look after yourself, physically and mentally. And Ben covers all aspects of it with clear and easy to follow guidance, helpful resources, and a great teaching style. You will learn about mindset, planning, reviewing your plans and values to shape yourself and become a better leader. You don't want to miss out on this course!

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5 star rating

Worth it's weight in gold - love what I've seen so far!

Nick Warner

I've chosen to work my way through this wonderful course at a very steady pace and am savouring it like a bottle of fine wine! Others will no doubt choose to...

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I've chosen to work my way through this wonderful course at a very steady pace and am savouring it like a bottle of fine wine! Others will no doubt choose to work at a faster pace which is great as well. I've used quite a few on-line learning packages over the years and as far as ease of use is concerned, this is as user-friendly as it gets. Everything flows logically and it's easy to navigate the dashboard and move swiftly between the learning modules. The modules themselves feel perfect in length and content and lend themselves to those who might perhaps prefer to learn in bite-size chunks as well as those who prefer more sustained learning periods. There's a really helpful facility that allows you to track your progress clearly and easily and simply pick up quickly where you left off during your previous session. The stand-out feature however, is the style and content of the video presentations and learning materials The style is informal, concise and always on-point. The messages and key learning points all 'land' very quickly and effectively and will be highly usable in the workplace. Working for a FTSE 100 company many years ago in managerial roles, I participated in some face-to-face workshops about leadership and at the time, they all followed a predictable path and invariably included the obligatory sessions on Maslow's hierarchy of needs etc. Ben's course is thankfully very different!! - insightful and very usable. At the time of writing, one of the early modules caused me to have one of those brilliant 'penny-drop' moments which only the very best courses are able to deliver. Without giving away any spoiler's(!), Ben recounts his personal experience at one of his previous employers (a very large and significant one) and the importance of aligning your own personal values to those of a prospective employer and the potential consequences of a less-than-perfect fit. Over a decade or so ago, I chose to leave an equally large employer (a global financial services provider) and left with a lingering feeling that I'd not performed as effectively as I might have done and that the blame lay entirely with myself. Listening to Ben recounting his experiences felt as though he was describing my own from over a decade ago. It's enabled me to reassess what happened and be easier on myself; providing a remarkable feeling of 'closure'. Undoubtedly a tribute to the course content. I can't wait to resume learning later this week and am absolutely convinced that, once I've finished I'll be returning to the material again and again.

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